I have a question regarding Vista 32 and IPAQ2215 PDA.
I like my IPAQ, got used to it, and have been using it for last several years. Using Sync Center app I established a link with with and was able to exchange data with Outlook.
It is, until I downloaded the Vista Profile Pack which came as an Microsoft update...
From that point Media Player 11 appeared on my system, and every time I put my IPAQ into a cradle it attempts to make connection with it, states that my drivers are obsolete, redirects me to a useless web site, and that's it.
At the same time the Sync Center retained my IPAQ's profile, but it's permanently grayed out and it is impossible to make a connection.
Attempts to remove Player 11 from my system were unsuccessful. In many places I read it is virtually impossible to do.
My goal is to restore sync connection to my IPAQ and be able to exchange data with Outlook again. Can anybody help me?
I would appreciate any constructive suggestion.
I like my IPAQ, got used to it, and have been using it for last several years. Using Sync Center app I established a link with with and was able to exchange data with Outlook.
It is, until I downloaded the Vista Profile Pack which came as an Microsoft update...
From that point Media Player 11 appeared on my system, and every time I put my IPAQ into a cradle it attempts to make connection with it, states that my drivers are obsolete, redirects me to a useless web site, and that's it.
At the same time the Sync Center retained my IPAQ's profile, but it's permanently grayed out and it is impossible to make a connection.
Attempts to remove Player 11 from my system were unsuccessful. In many places I read it is virtually impossible to do.
My goal is to restore sync connection to my IPAQ and be able to exchange data with Outlook again. Can anybody help me?
I would appreciate any constructive suggestion.