I would like to know if anyone knows of a programme that will allow you to send SMS messages from a computer to a mobile phone using Vista. I have seen a programme on the Microsoft website for doing this using XP. I am used to sending text messages from the PC to the phone using the phone tools supplied by the manufacturer like Nokia PC Suite. I have seen various software packages on the Internet for sending SMS from a PC but these seemed to be subscription-based and do not use the actual phone to send the text. I have changed my phone recently to one that uses Windows Mobile and does not come with any utilities similar to what I am looking for. I am new to this type of phone and have very little experience with Microsoft mobile so any help on this subject would be appreciated. My phone is an HTC S620.
Thanks for the reply. I use Windows Mobile Device Centre to sync the phone to the pc for outlook etc. What I am looking for is a programme that will let me Type SMS msg into the pc and then send them to the phone for transmission via the Vodafone network. Up until I changed onto a phone using Windows Mobile I could do this by way of the Utilities provided by Nokia and Motorola where there is a programme for managing SMS on the pc in the form of Phone Tools. I have searched the net and can find many programmes that will do this using XP although I am not sure if they will work with my phone that being an HTC S620 using Ver 5 Mobile Windows. Not being experienced in this sort of thing I am not sure if its possible on this operating system as all the services that are advertised on the net seem to be subscription based and use the PC to send the text to a server somewhere for transmission to the mobile network rather than through my own mobile phone.
Again, instead of using any kind of on-line service for this, which will make it slower and probably more expensive for every SMS you send, you could easily search for any of those programs. What they do, is virtually show you your phone in your PC screen so you can work with it using your mouse instead of your finger or that tiny and stupid pencil your phone has.
Every time I tried these apps in the past, I was amazed on how they work. All I had to do is have my phone (Samsung Omnia right now) thru the USB cable and that's it... I could even make phone calls using my virtual Samsung Omnia on my PC and talking using the hands-free option on the phone... without even touching my phone.
Imagine it as "remote controlling" your phone. You plug it in, open the application on your desktop PC and voila! Your phone now appears on your screen with your contacts and all... and you can start writing SMSs using your keyboard insted of your finger