I have been watching shows on abc.com with no problem for a long time. Now when I try to watch them all I get is a black screen that says "Loading" (after the first commercial plays). Also, I've tried watching things on other websites that use Move Media such as Fox and ESPN360 and those do not work either. I have unistalled Move Media many times and reinstalled from abc.com and Move Media, but it never works. It works on our desktop computer, so I tried uninstalling it from there and then reinstalling it to see if there was any difference in the installation process-- it seems like mine is stopping part of the way through. I never get the second window that asks permission to run it again and afterwards on abc.com, the test video never plays. Also, I have tried saving Move Media to my desktop and then downloading it from there, and it stops part of the way through. Any suggestions as to what might be the problem? Thanks!