Messenger Install Error with Visual Studio Runtime


New Member
I've just bought a new laptop with Vista Home Premium x64 for college and have been installing all the programs that were on the old laptop (Vista 32bit) to use on this one. When I tried to install the Messenger, though, it went through the whole process before saying:

"Messenger couldn't be installed because we had trouble installing these requirements:

Microsoft Visual Studio Runtime
Try downloading and installing these programs again. One of the installation files appears to be corrupted. hr:0x80070003"

All other components were "not installed because the installation was canceled."

I tried to install an earlier version, but it said I need to install the newest for it to work. I've tried several times to reinstall, restart, etc. and it is always the same error, including for the side programs such as Writer and Movie Maker.

If anyone else has had this problem or has found a fix, it'd be greatly appreciated.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T6400
    Monitor(s) Displays
    15.4" Diagonal widescreen TruBrite display
    Hard Drives
    320GB HDD internal hard drive
I would recommend update windows so that it will install all these missing items like Microsoft Visual Studio Runtime and related stuffs.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Custom Build
    Intel Dual Core 3 GHz
    Intel 945 GCL desktop motherboard
    3 GB DDR 2 667 Mhz
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI X1550 256 MB
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Samsung 19"
    Hard Drives
    80 GB IDE Samsung.
    Internet Speed
I just installed the newest Windows updates, reinstalled, and it gave me the same error. Is there some other update you're referring to, or another suggestion?

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T6400
    Monitor(s) Displays
    15.4" Diagonal widescreen TruBrite display
    Hard Drives
    320GB HDD internal hard drive
I am also tracking this problem down on Windows XP x86.

Windows Live programs won't install. Even after running all microsoft updates, including the optional ones.

The error I got is the same as mentioned here (and only in 1 other forum, with replys - it's a rare problem :s) --> windows live setup gives: microsoft visual studio runtime program unknown hr:0x80070015.

After spending more than a day for my friend, I'll post here my progress. No solution, yet!

What MIGHT work is using the offline system administators full install for Live MSN Messenger 9. Unfortunately, the offline installer is not available for download anymore. Especially not in other languages like Dutch (NL - Nederlands).

What I am doing now is installing messenger, starting from version 7.
That went fine.

Now I'm installing version 8. This goes fine, except for ONE program! the sign-in assistant ("Aanmeldhulp"). Unfortunately, the msn 8 system does not support active logins anymore. My first priority now is installing Windows Live ID signin assistant (Download Details Windows Live ID-aanmeldhulp 6.5).
REMARK: The version 8 setup program gives an error, although hidden behind yellow popup. The error is: 1: 2753 2: SDKCOMPONENTS_PPCRL_WLLOGINPROXY.EXE (behind text: Ask Help).

(more to follow - reply/edit)



~~~ [email protected] ~~~

Cuisvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore persevare
All spelling mistakes are my own and may only be distributed under the GNU General Public License! – (© 95-1 by Coredump; 2-011 by DevNullius)

EDIT 1: installed Live ID v6.5 login assistant, and Live messenger 8 components all installed just fine. So I immediately started the Live Messenger 9 setup again. Which failed, again. But, it was slightly different now: instead of 1 error, I got 6 errors. But all new errors were mentions they were aborted / cancelled...

Remembering version 8 setup, I thought I might to do the same for 9 setup: Download Details Windows Live-aanmeldhulp . I'll repost / edit :)

EDIT 2: version 6.5 for sign in assistant was latest for XP. Above link is NOT for 9 setup! And it will fail with invalid win32 application.

EDIT 3: still no luck, BUT some changes. I installed some more Microsoft Updates...
Windows Live Update voor Windows Live Writer (KB 951125) zondag 18 september 2011 Automatische updates
Windows XP KB2416472: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 zondag 18 september 2011 Automatische updates
Windows XP KB2487367: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 zondag 18 september 2011 Automatische updates
Windows XP KB2478663: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 zondag 18 september 2011 Automatische updates
Photo Gallery Installation and Upgrades Update voor Windows Live Fotogalerij (KB 946486) zondag 18 september 2011 Automatische updates
Windows XP KB2518870: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86

After the reboot, my error message changed to: failed_prior_task:0x80004004

EDIT 4: SOLVED! SOLUTION - Finally - and it was a DUMB one, so Big SIGH :(

Here it goes:
Try the fix below. Read the follow up by me if you cannot find the folder. It worked for me. ~BJ

WLM 2009 version - Martin Cooper
16-Mar-09 03:13:18

I had that problem, this was on vista64. Eventually, I found a logfile
in C:\Users\Coop\AppData\Local\Temp called MSI7f661.log (random
filename, just look for the newest file after running the install).

The logfile will tell you where to look exactly, but MSN creates a
hidden .cache directory. To see it from explorer, you'll have to make
system and hidden files visible by altering the view settings of the
folder options applet. In my case, the directory was "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache", so I guess on 32 bit vista it
would be "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache"

In that folder, messenger and the other live programs keep a cache of
the downloaded files. One of those must have been corrupt and re-used
at every install. So I just deleted the .cache dirctory and
reinstalled. It worked fine then.

(END quote).

This also worked on my x86 XP - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache . Every subfolder contains the installation files for every Live component. But just removing them ALL solved my problems. So easy, after 2 days :( I hate myself... And Microsoft :P


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