Gmail not working in Windows Mail


New Member
Hi to all,

I am new to vista forums. I configured gmail account in windows mail, but i'm not send or recieving mails. I'm getting the following error.

Unable to send or receive messages for the GMAIL account. The connection to the server has failed.

Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060

I checked all my settings, all are correct. i enabled pop in gmail account also. changed my mail incoming address as, outgoing address as Incoming port number as 995 and outgoing port no as 465. enable the My server requires authentication check box.I'm using latest version of windows mail. I turned off my windows firewall and my antivirus firewall also. In my antivirus i dont have a email scanning option.

Pls tell me what should be the problem, how to rectify that.

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks and Regards,
R. Suriya Prakash.

My Computer

Hi to all,

I am new to vista forums. I configured gmail account in windows mail, but i'm not send or recieving mails. I'm getting the following error.

Unable to send or receive messages for the GMAIL account. The connection to the server has failed.

Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060

I checked all my settings, all are correct. i enabled pop in gmail account also. changed my mail incoming address as, outgoing address as Incoming port number as 995 and outgoing port no as 465. enable the My server requires authentication check box.I'm using latest version of windows mail. I turned off my windows firewall and my antivirus firewall also. In my antivirus i dont have a email scanning option.

Pls tell me what should be the problem, how to rectify that.

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks and Regards,
R. Suriya Prakash.

Hey Suriya,

You are on the right track here, except one thing. POP will only work for gmail when you are logged on to gmail (or any other google service with the same account) in your browser. In other words, even if you have it configured correctly, Windows Mail cannot connect with gmail without explorer (or firefox, or chrome, or whatever) being concurrently connected to google. If you look hard enough, this is in the gmail documentation, but it took me years to find it.

However, I will tell you my final workaround here. Go back to your gmail account, under 'Settings', 'Forwarding POP/IMAP', turn off POP and turn on IMAP. You will have to remove and recreate as new your account in Windows Mail, follow the instructions on the gmail site. (Note the incoming mail protocol & address change, and the port. Also note that both incoming and outgoing use SSL).

Once you do this, you will gain a lot of functionality, and you lose the simulanteous connection requirement. You will be able to access all of the gmail folders that previously you had to use explorer to see (All Mail, Spam, Trash, etc.). And most of all, you will be able to send mail! :party::party::party:

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hi !

"POP will only work for gmail when you are logged on to gmail (or any other google service with the same account) in your browser."


where have you read that ?

i´ve never heard of it before, and i have used POP3 for years on my cellphone, now i use IMAP4 both on my PC and cellphone.

just to doublecheck i just setup windows mail, and did a quick test.

guess what, IT WORKS !

and i´m *NOT CONNECTED* to gmail...

with SSL you must use port 995 for receiving email and 587 for sending,
you can also use 465 if 587 does not work.

take a look at gmail´s help-pages, all you need to knows is available there.

btw. why use windows mail ?

get Thunderbird instead, it´s much better...

My Computer

for hackerman1,

You may be right. I have only been speaking trhe language for 50 odd years, so it may be a misinterpretation of the following:

Getting started with IMAP for Gmail


What is IMAP? IMAP, or Internet Message Access Protocol, lets you download messages from Gmail's servers onto your computer so you can access your mail with a program like Microsoft Outlook Express or Apple Mail, even when you aren't connected to the Internet.

Getting started with IMAP for Gmail - Gmail Help

It is a trifle misleading. I admit I should have said "will only work unfailingly," instead of just "will not work." The quote above doesn't really imply that you cannot get mail if you aren't connected to the internet. But it does imply that you might have trouble. If you actually read my post, you will note that I reported having trouble with POP3 intermittantly, depending upon which ISP I was connected to.

BTW, you realize that getting something to work for you in no way disproves or trivializes the problems others may have in getting it to work for them, right?

Finally, hackerman1, thanks for being one of the forum trawlers who relish pointing out the errors in the posts of people who try to help, rather than trying to help the person with the original problem. And for doing so in such a snide, condescending tone. You help make this and other sites such a chore to read.

For suriya06:

Sorry I couldn't be of help. If you have checked the set up, and the firewalls, the problem may not be at your end at all. Have you contacted your ISP? It may be a problem they are familiar with, and for which they have a workaround.

Good luck with it.

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hi !

suriya06: "See my forum, I'm using pop with port no 995 and smtp with port no 465, but its not working."

not sure what you mean ?

in your first post you wrote

"Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060"

a bit down you said:"Incoming port number as 995 and outgoing port no as 465."

you seemed a little bit confused, so that´s why i told you what settings you should use.

the last months i have tried several email-programs, and i have noticed some problems with some of them.

here´s what i do when a browser/email-client doesn´t work:
i try another browser/email-client with the SAME settings to make sure i have entered all settings correctly.

if i get the same problem with 2 browsers/email-clients then it´s probably a problem with the firewall.

so why not try Thunderbird ?

if everything works, then it´s probably not the firewall...


once again, where have you read that ?

i have read through the support-page you linked to, where does it say anything about "connection with a browser" to make POP3 work ?

"If you actually read my post, you will note that I reported having trouble with POP3 intermittantly, depending upon which ISP I was connected to."

really ?

where ?

i can´t find anything...

"BTW, you realize that getting something to work for you in no way disproves or trivializes the problems others may have in getting it to work for them, right?"


if you read my post again, you can clearly see that it was meant for YOU...

my answer to Suriya is a few lines below...

"Finally, hackerman1, thanks for being one of the forum trawlers who relish pointing out the errors in the posts of people who try to help, rather than trying to help the person with the original problem"

that´s the risk you always take when you post on a forum, you might get an answer...

"...being one of the forum trawlers..."

QUE ???

i saw someone asking for help, and i always try to do my very best to help others when i can.

and WHO is helping ? :roflmao:

who dou YOU help by posting such misleading information ?

"And for doing so in such a snide, condescending tone. You help make this and other sites such a chore to read."

i´m sorry, but i don´t understand what you mean, as english is my second language which i have only read and spoken for about 40 years.

but that´s usually enough, at least to understand Gmail´s help-pages ....:D

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