I have been locked out of my hotmail account since sunday and I just signed out around 9 am that day. After coming back home after 10 that night and trying to log in it go a message saying I typed in the incorrect password too may times and my account has been locked. I wasn't home all day so how can i type in the in correct password too may times my password is saved for me to sign in but my my copmuter is locked so no one can access it. they asked for me to reset my password by sending it to an alternate address. when I did this I had none so thats one problem and the other option is to full out a long form I dont live in the US so i cant put in any zip code or state or all that then there is this secret question I did this account over 10 yrs ago I cant remember the answer so I am stuck can someone help me please all my business clients use that address and I am losing business by the day and microsoft has done nothing to help since and I try to write and contact them everyday. Will I ever get use of my email if i dont my life work is down the drain.
probably the account was stolen. the hotmail server has some protection mechanism to prevent your account from further damage.
You should go checking that account's last login time and IP.
probably the account was stolen. the hotmail server has some protection mechanism to prevent your account from further damage.
You should go checking that account's last login time and IP.
---thank you for the info---so then is there any way to AVOID anyone to steal my account also?---(I see that there is an option for 'secure-sign-in')---I have trouble using MY hotmail also, but I also have other site-ones, so i be ok---