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by Jeffrey Richter. He has some source code in there to save and restore you desktop icon positions. It hasn't changed since then.
Unfortunately, mine is done as a 32 bit shell extension. Only works for 32 bit versions of Windows. I just tried it on Windows7 32 bit and it works. Guess the more things change...
I think I'll check into this the coming weekend. I looked over the site, and while I put many items in folders, to prevent desktop clutter, I think this will jazz up my computer desktop.
Thanks for the link. I tried that and about 7 others. All the icons pile on top of each other even with AutoArrange and Snap to Grid off. Maybe it's cuz I'm running VistaGlazz and a theme. In any case I organize all but 5 icons into subfolders and have them in RocketDock. It's more to find something for others running 64 bit where my shell extension won't work.
Another alternative is to go Icon Free. I always hated the Start Menu and use it as little as possible. For a long time I've been using a folder with subfolders for each category of application. I finally decided to get this off my desktop too. I moved it into Documents. To fix the broken links on my RocketDock setup all I had to do was delete each subfolder and then drop it again, so that it would look inside Documents for the enclosing folder instead of Desktop.
Now I don't give a damn if Auto Arrange or Snap to Grid is on or off!! Everything is either in my Quick Launch(or Superbar in W7) or on RocketDock.
Now it's a pleasure to use dark wallpapers since I don't have to worry about being able to see the icons etc..
If stuff gets hosed due to screen mode changes I just open the RocketDock settings to move it on the desktop and I'm all done!
Doesn't have to be RocketDock but it seems easiest to use of the few I've tried. I'm sure there are others that disappear unless you move the mouse to a particular desktop region or whatnot but too much stuff jumping around is disconcerting(I turn off the RocketDock mouse-over animations too.)