Just to reevaluate the last comment.
It does not suggest disabling windows files UNLESS YOU ASK IT TO, and although it doesn't ask everything, most of the time it does on first attempt (which security and authenticity-wise) Is all I personally require.
(are you sure you want to scratch yourself {for the 100th} time)
It has also kept my PC running at top speed for 12 months and runs faster than it did when i rebooted it to factory, last. (as windows creates temp files in restoration) It is not malware in any shape or form as it ASKS you before altering anything and bypassing anything at least once. Exactly as an AV program would, (so in affect your saying loosely) that an AV Program is also a mal-form.
After installing this program it did ASK if i wanted to disable certain programs and being vista, excess programs are notorious (given that Win 7 is actually a VISTA Lite) stated on official sites I might add. These programs it asked to stop are indexing (crap) unless you dont know how to locate your files yourself) Services such as (network printing) and excess games. Mojority of these programs I had already stopped as I'm no novice to PC TWEAKING. However this all-in-one solution has me comfortably using my PC at ease and I no longer have to alter the registry myself.
It also changes a value that windows actually has in place for start-up and shut-down windows slower! {setdelay ...seconds} which is mainly used for sick systems as a way of cleanily shutting down programs (of which have errors or are faulty) Yes even Windows Cores. A healthy system should not even do this. As a result windows trying to be over-helpful in this respect, actually look bad.
Just did a trial uninstall for everyones benefit, not one prob, however everyones system environment is different. Never had a corrupt games folder, BUT backing up is smart (either secondary Drive or seperate folder).
Overall I find this program to be a useful, easy, one-click solution to keep windows running efficiently and at high speeds.
Naturally PC cleaning (sweeping) programs are either dangerously clean, moderate (updating) or too light to do too much good this one falls between overclean and moderate, this bringing me to my only two disatisfying comments about this product,
FIRST- the seperate disk cleaner in its utility section, has a tendancy to clean out windows Live Mail, as WLM uses temp files, so steer clear of anything in that folder which you can see if you look before you delete. (slightly overcleans here) But this is not the only product to do so.
SECOND- Pro version for some reason disables a wireless mouse (with microsoft Wireless mouse and keyboard bundle. However is easy fixed by holding down the reset on reciever and mouse for 3 seconds. This it seems is only happening on XP (what a shock)
So, being careful and for XP, 3 seconds of time, and your PC has an extra breath of life.
'Just food for thought.'
Would recommend this program to all.
IOBIT programs are virus-free and efficient