hello just wanted to know how can i play a full blu-ray mpeg 2 movie what is the best software for this?
PowerDVD Ultra by Cyberlink. This is the BLue Ray Plyer with good reviews.... you may go for it .
PowerDVD Ultra by Cyberlink. This is the BLue Ray Plyer with good reviews.... you may go for it .
yes i know i have the PowerDVD Ultra by Cyberlink version 9 (the latest) manu works behind the scene works except the movie it self it says "cannot play this file type of this movie" any suggestion?
PowerDVD Ultra by Cyberlink. This is the BLue Ray Plyer with good reviews.... you may go for it .
yes i know i have the PowerDVD Ultra by Cyberlink version 9 (the latest) manu works behind the scene works except the movie it self it says "cannot play this file type of this movie" any suggestion?