Can not Creat work file,check temp environment variable


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I am new here so please pardon my question if it has been answered before.

I am running Vista 32 and office professional 2007. When I fire up word I get a

" can not create work file, check the temp environment variable"

I was directed to the regedit in the blogs, yet all leads to dead ends.

Without word working correctly.... office is useless

Any help would be greatly received

all the best

My Computer

IE7 runs in "low integrity" mode on Vista (aka "Protected mode") - this means that, by default, it has even less access to your system for security reasons. If Word is started from IE7 when accessing a URL still in "Protected mode" (i.e. not in "Trusted sites") then it will also be launched in "low integrity" mode.

However, the "Content.Word" folder in "Temporary Internet Files" is probably marked as "medium" integrity, because it was probably created when IE7/Word was executed previously when in Protected mode. This means that the folder cannot be accessed by Word now, as Word is "low integrity" and the folder has A higher integrity!

You may need to lower the integrity of that folder using a tool such as Mark Minasi's chml.exe:[/URL] to get it to work with URLs in Protected mode. Or add the site of the document to your Trusted security zone.


My Computer

Hello Everyone,

I am new here so please pardon my question if it has been answered before.

I am running Vista 32 and office professional 2007. When I fire up word I get a

" can not create work file, check the temp environment variable"

I was directed to the regedit in the blogs, yet all leads to dead ends.

Without word working correctly.... office is useless

Any help would be greatly received

all the best

Go to the environment variables window with the help of this thread.(follow the screen shots).

There, instead of finding the path variables, on the upper side u could find the tmp and temp variables.

highlight temp and click edit, the value must be %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp. Do the same thing for the tmp variable.

Let me know the result :)

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Intel dq35j0
    8 Gb
    Graphics card(s)
    inter express chipset
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    500 gb
    Internet Speed
    100 mbps(office lan)