Doug Fullaway
New Member
I have a new Fujitsu laptop which is running Vista Home Premium. This is a 64 bit machine. I loaded Office 2007, then loaded a VBA add-in from Simulacion 4.0 English version (Simulaad4.0) and my spreadsheet built in the past with Excel 2003 ran very nicely. Then I was told I had the wrong disks for the Office... I had a MSDN version that we have a license to use but everything says "Not for Commercial Use." So I uninstalled Office and used the proper disks to reload Office 2007. Everything works well EXCEPT for the following.
I was suprised that when I reloaded Office 2007 the VBA add-in was already there! So I tried the spreadsheet that uses the add-in and I get the error: Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found. I am guessing that since the VBA add-in was done under another version of Office 2007, that the path name is wrong. Or somehow in the uninstall it puts the temp file somehwere else it it cannot find it. So let's uninstall the VBA Add-in. But try and I might, I cannot find any way to uninstall it. I also see "Compiler errors in hidden module procedimientos" anytime I startup Excel.
How to I clear this up?
I was suprised that when I reloaded Office 2007 the VBA add-in was already there! So I tried the spreadsheet that uses the add-in and I get the error: Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found. I am guessing that since the VBA add-in was done under another version of Office 2007, that the path name is wrong. Or somehow in the uninstall it puts the temp file somehwere else it it cannot find it. So let's uninstall the VBA Add-in. But try and I might, I cannot find any way to uninstall it. I also see "Compiler errors in hidden module procedimientos" anytime I startup Excel.
How to I clear this up?