Hi All..
Thanks for reading this post. I have a new HP computer with Vista Ultimate 64 bit.
I cannot get Acronis Home Image 2009, Ghost 14.0 or Windows Vista Ultimate PC Computer Complete Restore to run properly.
With Acronis, I can create an image file just fine. Restoring from that image is another thing, however. Early in the restore process (booting into Acronis) I get an error message, "Unable To Load Linux Kernal". I have not recieved an answer from my request at Acronis. Furious I went out and bought Norton Ghost 14.0. Same deal... created an image ok... but could not restore. Norton said I needed to contact HP to get the following drivers: AMD AHCI Compatible Raid Controller Driver; Wan Miniport (SSTP); and AMD Raid Console. I called HP, they sent me back to Norton. So on, and so on.
They had a sale at Best Buy, and I upgraded to Vista Ultimate so I could do the Windows Restore. Same DARN deal... made a computer back up fine.. could not restore. I had created the image (From Ultimate) on a USB 1 Terabyte hard drive. Windows couldn't find it. Somehow I worked around that and did manage to find the image file. When I tryed to restore I got an error message, "The Windows Complete PC Restore Operation Failed. Error Details: The Parameter Is Incorrect (0x80070057).
All I want to do is get ANY disk imaging program to work. I have Acronis in my laptop... works fine... (XP). I have Ghost (older version) in my "Old" desktop (XP)... works fine. I am over here climbing the walls... can't stand to have my computer in a non recoverable state, except to F Disk and reinstall everything again. Can Anybody Help ????
It would be nice if I got the Vista Ulimate Image to work as I deleted my Acronis and Ghost images. However, Acronis was a lot better and if I can get that to work I will start all over AGAIN !!!!
Thanks for reading this post. I have a new HP computer with Vista Ultimate 64 bit.
I cannot get Acronis Home Image 2009, Ghost 14.0 or Windows Vista Ultimate PC Computer Complete Restore to run properly.
With Acronis, I can create an image file just fine. Restoring from that image is another thing, however. Early in the restore process (booting into Acronis) I get an error message, "Unable To Load Linux Kernal". I have not recieved an answer from my request at Acronis. Furious I went out and bought Norton Ghost 14.0. Same deal... created an image ok... but could not restore. Norton said I needed to contact HP to get the following drivers: AMD AHCI Compatible Raid Controller Driver; Wan Miniport (SSTP); and AMD Raid Console. I called HP, they sent me back to Norton. So on, and so on.
They had a sale at Best Buy, and I upgraded to Vista Ultimate so I could do the Windows Restore. Same DARN deal... made a computer back up fine.. could not restore. I had created the image (From Ultimate) on a USB 1 Terabyte hard drive. Windows couldn't find it. Somehow I worked around that and did manage to find the image file. When I tryed to restore I got an error message, "The Windows Complete PC Restore Operation Failed. Error Details: The Parameter Is Incorrect (0x80070057).
All I want to do is get ANY disk imaging program to work. I have Acronis in my laptop... works fine... (XP). I have Ghost (older version) in my "Old" desktop (XP)... works fine. I am over here climbing the walls... can't stand to have my computer in a non recoverable state, except to F Disk and reinstall everything again. Can Anybody Help ????
It would be nice if I got the Vista Ulimate Image to work as I deleted my Acronis and Ghost images. However, Acronis was a lot better and if I can get that to work I will start all over AGAIN !!!!