[Update] Word crashes on open... [crashes on close now]
Word 2007 (on vista 32 bit) crashed this morning. It won't open again without crashing. It opens the window, I can see that it is asking me to open the recued document, on the left side, but then it crashes... looks for a problem... nothing... then it says "An Unknown error has occured" - but the litle window has "Endnote x1" in the header. - I have Endnote X1, obviously, and they don't work wonderfully together, but never this kind of problem.
I've installed all the recent service packs, in the last few days. Word updates itself I'm pretty sure. Explorer crashes all the time, I think that it adobe related though *sigh*.
Any ideas? I can't even get in to check on anything like add-ins.
Word 2007 (on vista 32 bit) crashed this morning. It won't open again without crashing. It opens the window, I can see that it is asking me to open the recued document, on the left side, but then it crashes... looks for a problem... nothing... then it says "An Unknown error has occured" - but the litle window has "Endnote x1" in the header. - I have Endnote X1, obviously, and they don't work wonderfully together, but never this kind of problem.
I've installed all the recent service packs, in the last few days. Word updates itself I'm pretty sure. Explorer crashes all the time, I think that it adobe related though *sigh*.
Any ideas? I can't even get in to check on anything like add-ins.
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