Windows dvd maker filling my hard drive


New Member
When burning movies to a dvd from my external hd, the amount of free space on my computer's hd decreases by 4.5 gbs. why and where is windows dvd maker adding these files to my computer's hd? How do I stop this from happening in the first place?


My Computer

Check the options settings in MM. It is probably saving a temp version of the burn. Should be a place where you can uncheck that option, plus you can see the path where the old ones are saved.

My Computer

Hey dny,

Does this 4.5gB use persist? Or do you get it back when the dvd burn is done? If the later, there is most likely nothing you want to do about it. Any burning software is going to create a disc image, or at least BMP and MPG files, somewhere on a hard drive, so that it can supply the info expeditiously to the burner, i.e., without waiting on your processor.

If the disc use persists, find out where the software is storing temp files, and look there for the undeleted culprits. You can change the directory where this happens by clicking on the "Options..." link on the bottom right of the main DVD Maker screen. Look for the field that says "Temporary File Location" in the window that opens.

If the problem is that you want these temp files created on your external hard drive, instead of your internal hard drive, you should be able to take care of that there too.

Note, that if you elect to save the project, these temp files will likely be moved somewhere inside the Users\"username"\Videos folder. Look around there to see if there are files you'd like to get rid of.


My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700
    Intel DX975XBX2
    4 X 2GB Corsair PC6400
    Graphics card(s)
    2 X ATI Radeon HD 2600XT
    Hard Drives
    2 X 2 X 500Gb RAID 0
I spent 2.5 hours with HP tech chat and exhausted evey idea they could come up with most of which you have suggested. I restored back to factory settings and regained "lost " disk space. I started saving each project to my external when it was complete, where before I didn't save it at all and C drive free space didn't decrease as it did before.

My Computer
