right in my control panel thing i went in and was just unistalling all the pointless stuff which i had on my computer and came across this thing called google toolbar..i remember a few months ago i had downloaded this thng to do with the tolbar so i thought it was just that and now everytime i open a new page on the internet or simply go from one website to another a message keeps coming up from internet secuirty saying "a website wants to open web content using this program on your computer", this program does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher allow or don't allow
im scared now what have i done wrong and what do i do to fix it??
I don't use IE but I am assuming this is what you are using? I think all you have to do is open "internet options" from the control panel or internet explorer (tools>internet options) and adjust the security setting. I used to use "medium-high" and that should do it. If it does not fix it. You may go to the "content" tab and adjust those settings. I don't know what Google toolbar does to the settings as I have never used it. Hope this helps.