Media Center keeps auto starting??


New Member
In my computer, Window media center is auto start when reboot. It made me sick.
I try so many way but it still auto start :confused:
I already try under ways but it still auto start ..

1.Control panel > System > Performance information and tool manage start up program (disable Window media center)

2.msconfig > ??? I can't found window media center in start up tab :(

3.Disable Windows Media Center Services Open Services (type services.msc into Start Search). Locate all services related to Windows Media Center, such as Windows Media Center Extender Service, Windows Media Center Receiver Service, Windows Media Center Scheduler Service and Windows Media Center Service Launcher, and any other services started with “eh” as command names, then set their Startup Type to Disabled.

Stop Windows Media Center Services from Start Up
Run MSConfig (System Configuration) and go to Startup tab. Uncheck the item entries which has the ehome as path to the command, such as ehTray.exe. This will prevent MCE related services to be startup up. To be safe, you still need to disable WMC services as above.

I try it but it donesn't work :cry:

Still auto start when I reboot or boot

please help me

My Computer

open MSCONFIG and then go to SERVICES tab, and then scroll down the list and find WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER SERVICE LAUNCHER.. . there should be a tick in the service launcher check box, - remove it - and then click apply followed by ok

then restart your computer and see if this works

let me know the outcome mate

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire M5630
    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
    4GB DDR2
    Graphics card(s)
    nVidia GeForce 8400GS
Still launches even after doing the following (several times)

I have gone into Services and disabled:

Windows Media Center Extender Services (local Service)
Windows Media Center Receiver Services (network)
Windows Media Center Scheduler Services (network)
Windows Media Center Launcher Services (local Service)

I have gone into MSConfig and unchecked

Windows Media Center Receiver Service
Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
Windows Media Center Launcher

My Computer
