Wise Registry Cleaner, Thumbs up!....all the way.
I'm running Vista Business x34bit
I've was having issues with Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, codecs, Active X Controls etc. for weeks. I hesitated to use a registry cleaner because most reviews stated that if you are using Vista that there was no need to use a registy cleaner. At this point System restore was of no value to me.
After reading this Thread, I decided, what the heck, I would use Vista's system restore if something went wrong. I just wouldnt be much further ahead.
I downloaded both the Wise Registry Cleaner & CCleaner.
CCleaner is a great spring cleaning tool (remove/cleanup temp files, history, cookies, unused files etc.), but as for fixing registry problems it doesnt even compare.
Wise Registry Cleaner not only picked up over 50 issues that CCleaner did not warn me off, it removed and/or repaired extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs. Which was my main reason for getting a registry cleaner in the first place.
I did not see CCleaner do anything more than Vista is capable of.
Good Luck.