As far as I can determine, this update (released 22Oct08) does not work, at least not with Windows Vista Home Premium.
I had update 7 running, and got an update notification for Release 10 earlier today. Downloaded and installed the update, tried the Java test page, Firefox (both 3.0.3 and today's Minefield beta-test for Firefox 3.1) hung.
Tried the update in IE7, that, too, hung.
Went to Control Panel, clicked on the Java icon, had some problems opening it; when it did finally open, I went into Advanced and found that Update 10 was not recognizing IE.
Opened IE, redownloaded the off-line update, to see if that worked; answer is, no, it still did not recognize IE.
Back to Java, found the off-line installed for Update 7, removed 10, reinstalled 7; Java works once again.
In the midst of this aggravation, trying to figure out what the problem was, I did find one link to an article that said Update 10 had been delayed due to some unspecified problem. Seems to me that, at least for Vista Home Premium, there is still at least one unspecified problem with Update 10.
I had update 7 running, and got an update notification for Release 10 earlier today. Downloaded and installed the update, tried the Java test page, Firefox (both 3.0.3 and today's Minefield beta-test for Firefox 3.1) hung.
Tried the update in IE7, that, too, hung.
Went to Control Panel, clicked on the Java icon, had some problems opening it; when it did finally open, I went into Advanced and found that Update 10 was not recognizing IE.
Opened IE, redownloaded the off-line update, to see if that worked; answer is, no, it still did not recognize IE.
Back to Java, found the off-line installed for Update 7, removed 10, reinstalled 7; Java works once again.
In the midst of this aggravation, trying to figure out what the problem was, I did find one link to an article that said Update 10 had been delayed due to some unspecified problem. Seems to me that, at least for Vista Home Premium, there is still at least one unspecified problem with Update 10.