Java JRE6, Update 10


Vista User
As far as I can determine, this update (released 22Oct08) does not work, at least not with Windows Vista Home Premium.

I had update 7 running, and got an update notification for Release 10 earlier today. Downloaded and installed the update, tried the Java test page, Firefox (both 3.0.3 and today's Minefield beta-test for Firefox 3.1) hung.

Tried the update in IE7, that, too, hung.

Went to Control Panel, clicked on the Java icon, had some problems opening it; when it did finally open, I went into Advanced and found that Update 10 was not recognizing IE.

Opened IE, redownloaded the off-line update, to see if that worked; answer is, no, it still did not recognize IE.

Back to Java, found the off-line installed for Update 7, removed 10, reinstalled 7; Java works once again.

In the midst of this aggravation, trying to figure out what the problem was, I did find one link to an article that said Update 10 had been delayed due to some unspecified problem. Seems to me that, at least for Vista Home Premium, there is still at least one unspecified problem with Update 10.

My Computer

hmm well its working here with home premium and firefox 3/IE8. Try uninstalling java completely and install it again with all browsers closed.

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    Thermaltake Muse esata caddy
hmm well its working here with home premium and firefox 3/IE8. Try uninstalling java completely and install it again with all browsers closed.
I've completely removed Java, restarted computer, reinstalled Java 10 with no browser running. The result is that Java 10 does not recognize IE7 and, thus, is not properly installed and does not work.

I've done this at least twice, with the same failure being the result.

I wonder if the problem might be the presence of Minefield; I suppose I should remove Minefield, try installing Java Update 10; if that works, then try reinstalling Minefield. However, I'm not certain I want to go to that much trouble after yesterday's frustrations with Update 10.

[A bit later] I had forgotten this thread, which indicates that Update 10 is not exactly problem-free. I am very selective about reading threads on that forum, as they tend to be, well, a bit (fill in the blank as you best see misfit); however, this one is rather interesting, even though my quick scanning of it did not turn up the problem I encountered:
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I have 64-bit minefield installed as well using a separate profile and its not set as default.

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    Thermaltake Muse esata caddy
I have 64-bit minefield installed as well using a separate profile and its not set as default.
Hmm, that's a possibility: I could try changing Minefield as my default, then try installing Update 10. That might be in line with my wondering about Minefield itself being the problem, and had not thought about Minefield being the default on my computer.

I appreciate your comment about this, as I really need something to do today....

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Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem - Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even. (Horace)

Too late, my mind has been uneven for much too long.

I tried setting IE7 to default, and Update 10 still does not recognize IE, and, thus, does not work.

My Computer

that is weird. The only other suggestion i could possible think of is install with one browser set as default and running, then run another browser and set that as default and install again etc.

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    2x Samsung SM-T220HD 22"
    Screen Resolution
    1680x1050 on two monitors
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    WD Raptor X/150Gb in RAID0 WD Raptor 36gb 3x Samsung F1 1Tb
    Thermaltake ToughPower 850w
    Thermaltake Armor
    Tuniq Tower 120
    Razer Diamondback 3G
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    Internet Speed
    Other Info
    Thermaltake Muse esata caddy
that is weird. The only other suggestion i could possible think of is install with one browser set as default and running, then run another browser and set that as default and install again etc.

Of course it is weird, that is all I do....

Closed Minefield, Firefox was not running; opened IE7, made it the default browser.

Ran the Update 10 installer; IE not recognized by Java.

One thing I've noticed with the Update 10 installer: At the end of the process, it says that, when you click on "Finish", something else (...fx...) will be downloaded; as far as I can tell, that has never happened--but surely that would not have anything to do with the failure of the installer to recognize IE.

While I was writing this, the Java updater was intercepted by the firewall. I gave permission for the updater to run; so far, nothing from Java about an update. (The twenty-third of the month is what the updater happens to be set for, so that it asked permission to run was not surprising.)

I get no errors during the process of installing Update 10, I see nothing relevant to the problem on the Java help pages. With the lack of any indication of problems during the install, I cannot see what other program might be blocking Update 10, especially as Update 7 re-installs correctly.

It must be time to start yet another on-line conspiracy-theory site....

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Might have to wait for next time updater runs as sometimes some firewalls block access the first time the warning notice appears.

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    2x Samsung SM-T220HD 22"
    Screen Resolution
    1680x1050 on two monitors
    Hard Drives
    WD Raptor X/150Gb in RAID0 WD Raptor 36gb 3x Samsung F1 1Tb
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    Thermaltake Muse esata caddy
I've turned on UAC, I've right-clicked and used "Run as Administrator", I've turned off security in IE, I've intoned magic mantras over the computer, nothing will get Update 10 to recognize IE7.

Very odd, totally frustrating, completely everything else....

My Computer

Open ie7 and download Java again and install from ie7. That should sort it out. Do not uninstall the version you previously installed.

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Open ie7 and download Java again and install from ie7. That should sort it out. Do not uninstall the version you previously installed.
Already tried that, it does not work--or at least I think I did, but then I'm not certain what you mean by "install from ie7".

I've downloaded Update 10 from IE7, but as I recall, even with IE7 running, when I ran the Update installer, it still failed to recognize IE.

I've been through so many permutations of this now that, if I ever did know what I had tried, I cannot remember all of them.


[EDIT] Remove Java Update 7. Start IE7. Go to Click on Download Java Update 10. Click on "install". Watch installation process. Click on "Finish" Find IE7 locked up; note Task Bar says "waiting for" Wait. Give up. Open Task Manager. Kill IE7, which is reported as "Not Responding." Remove Update 10. Reinstall Update 7. Post this edit.
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Whomever when last did ie7 and java work together? Can you do a system restore to that point?

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    Screen Resolution
    1280 x 800 x 4294967296 colors
    Internet Speed
Whomever when last did ie7 and java work together? Can you do a system restore to that point?

IE7, FF 3.0.3, and Minefield all work correctly with Java Update 7, which is why I have, once again, reinstalled that version. In fact, I've now reinstalled Update 7 perhaps eight or nine times over some twenty-four hours.

It is Update 10 that, for whatever reason, or even lack of any reason whatsoever, that I cannot get to install correctly, as Update 10 never recognizes IE7.

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas - Happy is he who has been able to learn the causes of things. (Vergil) Unfortunately, I'm not that happy person, alas, and, thus, have so far failed to get Java Update 10 to install correctly.

(And, lest I forgot yet again, my thanks for your joining this thread and essaying to assist me.)

My Computer

Removed Minefield; removed Java Update 7; started IE7, did an on-line install of Update 10.

IE hung.

Opened Control Panel, Java, checked settings, closed CP.

Opened Task Manager, closed IE. Restarted IE, went to, which presented me with a "Check Java" (or whatever it actually said) button. Clicked on same, was told that Java 10 was installed and running properly.

Opened Firefox 3.0.3, went to Java test page, test passed.

Reinstalled Minefield, went to Java test page, test passed.

No idea, no way of knowing, etc., if removal of Minefield allowed Java 10 to finally install properly even though IE7 hung once again.

At any rate, that problem seems to have been overcome, so I shall now move on to lesser matters, such as curing all known ills of the world....

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Thanks for the update!

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 5920gmi notebook
    Intel Core 2 Duo T7300 2.00GHz
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    NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS
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    Screen Resolution
    1280 x 800 x 4294967296 colors
    Internet Speed
I have Windows Ultimate (64bit), Firefox (32bit) and Java6update10 (32bit) however java applets on websites are just appearing blank (not telling me i need java).

If I try IE (32bit) the sites and java applets load fine!

ive tried uninstalling/reinstalling java many times.

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There is no java 64-bit currently. Which is why Im still using 32-bit browsers.

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Self built
    Intel E8400 3GHz
    Intel DX48BT2
    Kingston PC3-10666 4Gb
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    XFX 9800 GTX XXX
    Sound Card
    Soundblaster X-Fi XtremeMusic
    Monitor(s) Displays
    2x Samsung SM-T220HD 22"
    Screen Resolution
    1680x1050 on two monitors
    Hard Drives
    WD Raptor X/150Gb in RAID0 WD Raptor 36gb 3x Samsung F1 1Tb
    Thermaltake ToughPower 850w
    Thermaltake Armor
    Tuniq Tower 120
    Razer Diamondback 3G
    Dell Multimedia Enhanced USB
    Internet Speed
    Other Info
    Thermaltake Muse esata caddy
I'm using JRE6 U10, Business x86, Java runs most stuff ok (eg. Adrive), but some applets do not load on any browser (FF3.0.3, IE7, Opera 9.62), eg. Yale Transit - Transit Visualization System™. It won't even say "Applet started". I have no idea what's up. Anyone have suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Update: removed JRE 6 U10 and installed JRE 6 U7. Smooth as silk. Thankfully the U10 release notes claim there are no new security patches in U10 so I'll stay with U7 for now. If anyone ever finds out why U10 is acting retarded, please could you let me know. Thanks!
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