I know this thread is a year old, but it's the closest I've come to an answer, and I've already followed the advice presented here-in, and have still had no success. So, I'm hoping to perhaps pick up where this left off.
I've just successfully installed Vectorworks 2008 on a laptop with Vista Ultimate x64 with 4 GB of RAM. Now, from what I've read around the interwebz, Vectorworks has a problem with this exact combination of Windows and memory. That being said, it's been suggested that if I don't install Service Pack 1, and then run the program in Compatibility mode, it should work.
So, that's what I've done. I did not install the VW SP1 (windows SP1 is already installed). I also tried running the program in all the various compatibility modes from Windows Server 2003 down to Windows 98. I also tried running it with and without "Run as Administrator". This last option appears to make no difference.
Without compatibility mode, I get an immediate program error. Best case scenario appears to be when compatibility mode is set to Windows XP SP2. when that happens, the program doesn't crash, but nor do I get a splash screen, or any indication of functionality. what I DO get is a process shown in the task manager that shows 50% activity. However, that's it. I tried it a few times, including twice waiting around 45 minutes, with no change. The program thinks it's running, and yet nothing happens. The load never fully actuates.
Sadly, as this is not my computer, and I'm just helping a friend, I've only got a couple days to figure this out. After that, I leave the country (I'm in Costa Rica at the moment).
Any thoughts here? Am I just SOL? Is there any way to make compatibility mode just drop to Vista 32 bit? I don't see an option for that whereever I look.
Thanks a lot for whatever help you might be able to provide. And again, sorry for reviving an old thread like this. I just figured it was the most efficient way forward.