DVDShrink is and will always be FREE software. You won't be charged for it, ever. If you were charged for it, you've probably been cheated. Also some download sites offer a subscription which pays for the membership AND bandwith you consume on their servers, NOT for DVDShrink.
However, the server hosting the official DVDShrink site and its Official Forums recieve thousands of hits daily, along with security related nuisances which require certain security monitoring and measures to be applied both via hardware and software, along with a human team behind, monitoring everything for your satisfaction.
Hence, you can help keeping this site online by donating any amount you wish. Note this donation is NOT for the software itself but for the hosting, manteinance and domain fees implied with the website (thus, original dvdshrink author won't recieve your money, but it will keep the website and the overall DVDShrink original spirit online for years!).
Please, click on the button below to make any donation with a credit card/PayPal account:
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