I have two tuners:
Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC Combo Card
T19AR ATSC Digital TV Receiver
T19AR NTSC Digital TV Receiver
USB Audio Device
Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC Combo Card
T19AR ATSC Digital TV Receiver
T19AR NTSC Digital TV Receiver
USB Audio Device
When I connect to the haupauge card the direct cable, I get the lo channels that you would get if connected to a TV. When I connect to the Artec USB tuner which has NTSC/ATSC DIGITAL TUNNERS, I am unable to pick up any digital channels. The USB tuner devive works with Unencrypted Digital Cable (Clear QAM-Supports up to 256QAM).
Now the question: Does Comcast Cable transmit digital qam unencrypted without the use of a cable box? If they do, I should be able to tune in all my local digital channels using MEDIA CENTER. Does anybody have any experience with Comcast and what I am trying to do?