I have windows live mail 2008 Build 12.0.1606 installed on windows xp and everytime a few seconds after i close wlm i get a windows live mail encountered a ploblem and has to close error that tells me to send a report..this happens 80 percent of the time after i close the windows live mail application...By the way i have disable error reporting checked on advanced properties and disabled on services also ...i noticed on the task manager that the wlmail exe process is still running after i close the application and that seems to be the problem..Is there any way, fix or some program that i can get the wlmail.exe process to close at the same time i close the windows live mail application so i dont get this send error report message anymore ?
error i get ^
wlmail.exe still running after closing application ^
Hi, if i end the wlmail.exe process from the task manager it will prevent the error from popping up and it will also close the error if i end the process also, but what i would like to do is not have to go task manager and have to end the process everytime im finished using wl mail ..I would like to just close the application normally without the error showing up...Is there a way to make wlmail.exe process in the task manager shut down at the same time as the windows live mail application ?
You would want to make sure that you have all instances of the wlmail.exe closed in Task Manager before you open WLM. Sometimes I get a error while trying to download email. It turns out that WLM had a process still running from the last time I had the program opened, even though WLM was closed.
I would try what z3ro1o suggested. Turning off the error reporting should get rid of the error message.
I have error reporting disable and the error still appears..For me is vice versa in that Wlmail.exe is never running before i open windows live mail but wlmail.exe process stays open after i close windows live mail...
here i have error reporting turned off from services and also from the advanced properties and the error still shows up 80 percent of the time..this doesnt happen to me in vista but somehow i keep getting it on xp..
I tried the uninstalling and installing experiment and it still comes up with the error..When it installed again all my settings and configuration before i had installed it where still there and also all my accounts..I cant seem to find a way to uninstall it completely from scratch ? Is there a special way to uninstall this ?
Unistalled from scratch and installed again with those 2 options and i still get that error message sometimes..i think this version is very buggy and should be considered beta instead of an official version..Also i noticed that it also happens with vista but the error is different in saying windows live mail stop responding with i believe is the same thing as the xp error report .