Hello to all this is my first post and in urgent need.
i have a dell optiplex gx1 desktop computer that had windows xp home installed on it until my cousen pulled the plug during a bsod "hard drive failed". i got a new hard drive and installed windows xp pro on it and i could not get on the internet i was sure i had the cable in the back and i found that it did not reconise the ethernet card in it and i have seached the internet on my main computer for the driver with no luck i know its not dead because i was able to use it on windows xp home before this happened heres the specs of this computer just in case anyone needs it
hd: seagate 500 gb ide drive
mb:dell 2001 mother borad
ram:3.00 gb
media type:1 dvd and 1 cd
(note i have searched for drivers and they require floppy disks which i do not have a drive or any floppys)
note below is ONE of the drivers i found and is coming from my computer and will always be there
If I recall XP always had problems finding the web unless one installed the driver and/or software for the actual network connection manually - it never seems to have any native drivers for this purpose. I had to download it to a USB stick and install it from that I think....it was a while ago though. Mine were from Intel, of course yours may be different.
If it's a Dell then all the drivers and software will be listed at the Dell Support website for that model number.