I have a toshiba laptop, BT Hub router.
I installed Samsung mobile phone software to enable accessto internet through Samsung Ace phone when not in wireless area.
Once installed and running, I disconnected the wirelessconnecton (via Network & Sharing I selected the wireless network andselected disconnect). The connection viaSamsung mobile worked, so I them removed the cable between mobile & laptop.
I then tried to connect back to wireless, laptop found therouter name, I entered the wireless key and got the message "Wirelessassociation failed beacause Windows did not receive any response from thewireless router or access point"
I tried calling BT, the chap took over my laptop and wentthrough a various things, ie removing and resetting the router and path, butnothing worked and he then said it would cost £30 for a BT Tech to have a look.
Can anyone on this site advise pls ?
Tnx. aluaP
I have a toshiba laptop, BT Hub router.
I installed Samsung mobile phone software to enable accessto internet through Samsung Ace phone when not in wireless area.
Once installed and running, I disconnected the wirelessconnecton (via Network & Sharing I selected the wireless network andselected disconnect). The connection viaSamsung mobile worked, so I them removed the cable between mobile & laptop.
I then tried to connect back to wireless, laptop found therouter name, I entered the wireless key and got the message "Wirelessassociation failed beacause Windows did not receive any response from thewireless router or access point"
I tried calling BT, the chap took over my laptop and wentthrough a various things, ie removing and resetting the router and path, butnothing worked and he then said it would cost £30 for a BT Tech to have a look.
Can anyone on this site advise pls ?
Tnx. aluaP