I did a Vista rebuild because of plenty of BSOD and its been 12 months since my last rebuild. Now if I click on Network I can't see my WinXP desktop computer listed I can only see the Vista laptop and BT Home Hub 2.0 Media Gateway. My WinXP desktop computer can see all my Vista files and folders.
I've check all help from the last thread but it still doesn't work. I've searched this forum but haven't read a solutions.
Any help will be appreciated as its driving me nuts.
I checked that web link while I was at work and I've done everything listed.
I get home this evening startup the laptop and desktop. Click on Network and the desktop computer ULTIMA-WARLORD is now showing and I can add the printer plugged into the computer. It wouldn't find the printer yesterday probably because it can't find the computer.
So at the moment its showing and I can access all files and folders. To me it appears strange that you have to leave it for a day and it shows. I rebuilt the laptop 3 times over the last 4 days because my other computer wasn't showing in the Network just in case I missed something.
Thanks again for the web link I will see if that computer remains active.
I spent last week installing everything I needed on Vista and everything works ok. I went out Friday night for my normal drinking session. I came back in and switched the laptop on as I wanted to check a few forums. I went off to do a few things ready for Saturday I came back to the laptop and the screen said it was doing a Fujitsu-Siemens restore. Now in the 3 years I've had that laptop its never done that before so I left it running.
When it finished and started up it had done a full format and install so I had lost all my files (even though I do back them up). Normally when I do a rebuild it just renames Windows to Windows.old and puts the old Program Files in that folder so I have all my old files still in there original folders.
So I've spent the weekend adding all the software yet again. I check the Network yesterday and my desktop computer wouldn't show. I checked it again this morning and it still wouldn't show. I checked all settings and they exactly the same as before. I did a few restarts and my desktop could still connect to my laptop. I was going ape s**t with Vista, I checked the Network again and it showed up this time so you now have to leave it 3 days before it connects.
I'm that fed up with Vista and its features I would really like to format it and install WinXP 2002 as I have two legal discs but when I insert the disc and boot it up the disc says it can't find the SATA hard drive. Does anyone know of a good site I can download these SATA drivers and stick them on a flash to install so that WinXP can see the drive?