Took a malware hit and removed it but after getting MS updates I lost networking all together. Fixed everything but peer to peer MS networking.
unable to browse my microsoft workgroup. Can ping others stations and others can ping mine.
tried to start netbios helper service and got this
windows could not start TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper error 1075
The only dependency seems to be "Ancilliary Function Driver for windows"
Don't seem to have problems starting any other services.
then tried to reset the IP stack and winsock.
C:\Windows\system32>netsh int ip reset c:\reset.txt
Reseting Echo Request, failed.
Access is denied.
Reseting Global, OK!
Reseting Interface, OK!
A reboot is required to complete this action.
unable to browse my microsoft workgroup. Can ping others stations and others can ping mine.
tried to start netbios helper service and got this
windows could not start TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper error 1075
The only dependency seems to be "Ancilliary Function Driver for windows"
Don't seem to have problems starting any other services.
then tried to reset the IP stack and winsock.
C:\Windows\system32>netsh int ip reset c:\reset.txt
Reseting Echo Request, failed.
Access is denied.
Reseting Global, OK!
Reseting Interface, OK!
A reboot is required to complete this action.