Hello every1! I own a dell XPS 1530 with a Marvell Yukon 88E8040 PCI-E ethernet controller (I dnnw what that means!!) . The OS on my lappy is Vista ULTIMATE. Now, my problem is very peculiar, to say the least. I knw i have to change the ipv4 settings whenever i move to a newer connection (student...interns...hence the change) . But my comp refuses to display any options under the networking tab in the local area connection properties tab. But it refuses to show it only in certain cases. If i have a working connection, ie a connection for which the settings are already in place on my comp, it then shows me the normal options that are seen on every1's comp .... much like the chicken and egg problem ....only, now i'm not at the same place as my last working connection, without which, my comp does not show the options in ctrl panel -> network connections -> LAN -- right click -- .... the place where it should be showing some ...and without these ... i cannot change my ip address and dns server etc ...to those of the new place... So pls tell me if theres an alternate way of doing this ..via cmd or sumthin!!!