Dell laptop Inspiron 1545, WRT54GS - "Connected With Limited Access" - drove me up the wall. Tried everything. Browsed other forums for hours. What did I do? Just for grins, and for NO particular reason, I switched from WEP to WPA Personal / TKIP in the router and to WPA / TKIP in the laptop and other PC, entered the ten-char key I've always used, and POOF - instant connection. I sure would love to have someone explain this to me...
I am glad you got your connection working. You did yourself a favor by going from WEP to WPA. WEP can be cracked in 2-3 minutes. WPA can be cracked as well but it takes more time (hours).
I would, however, suggest you go to WPA2/AES if your hardware supports it. With WPA2, it takes years to crack an encrystion key that is 10 characters or longer. If you use a 63 character, randomly generated encryption key, it will take upwards of 300 years to crack at current processing speeds.
I use this site to get my 63 random characters from...