I'm not sure if this is the right place, however I am trying remotely logoff the current user from my vista x64 ultimate machine upstairs to my vista x64 home premium machine downstairs.
I can easily restart or shutdown using
cmd> shutdown /r /f /p /m \\PC
or /s respectively
However you cannot use -l with -m so I can only turn the computer off to keep the kids from playing video games all day.
I remember in XP you could use the Computer Manager to connect to \\PC(or what ever it happens to be) and then right click to find shutdown properties and a logoff option. This seems to be gone in vista although I can use Computer Manager to connect to \\PC from my upstairs computer \\Nick-PC and see the users on \\PC, but with no logoff option.
I have also tried cmd> logoff "session#" /server:"name"
logoff 2 /server:\\PC
This also did not work even when instead of typing in 1,2,or 3 for whomever was logged on session id using their loggon name
logoff nick server:\\PC
also did nothing if nick was theoretically the current logged on user.
Any ideas for how to logoff the user without having to shutdown or restart the computer? This is more of a annoyance to keep people on task then restarting which waists a lot of time.
I can easily restart or shutdown using
cmd> shutdown /r /f /p /m \\PC
or /s respectively
However you cannot use -l with -m so I can only turn the computer off to keep the kids from playing video games all day.
I remember in XP you could use the Computer Manager to connect to \\PC(or what ever it happens to be) and then right click to find shutdown properties and a logoff option. This seems to be gone in vista although I can use Computer Manager to connect to \\PC from my upstairs computer \\Nick-PC and see the users on \\PC, but with no logoff option.
I have also tried cmd> logoff "session#" /server:"name"
logoff 2 /server:\\PC
This also did not work even when instead of typing in 1,2,or 3 for whomever was logged on session id using their loggon name
logoff nick server:\\PC
also did nothing if nick was theoretically the current logged on user.
Any ideas for how to logoff the user without having to shutdown or restart the computer? This is more of a annoyance to keep people on task then restarting which waists a lot of time.