Has anyone seen recent network adapter problems that may be related to Windows updates?
I service broadband for a cable company, and within the past week I've had 4 different Vista users with the same problem.
The network adapter will not pull a good ip from the modem ethernet connection. I've attempted to install the modem using a usb, and the computer can not find the usb drivers on the disk.
In two of the cases, the device manager had multiple mysterious Microsoft network adapters listed along with the actual ethernet card.
System restore will not fix the problem.
If I uninstall the network card and try to reinstall, the computer cannot locate the drivers.
I've just recently been seeing this issue, and can't help but think that it's some new problem related to updates these customers are installing.
I service broadband for a cable company, and within the past week I've had 4 different Vista users with the same problem.
The network adapter will not pull a good ip from the modem ethernet connection. I've attempted to install the modem using a usb, and the computer can not find the usb drivers on the disk.
In two of the cases, the device manager had multiple mysterious Microsoft network adapters listed along with the actual ethernet card.
System restore will not fix the problem.
If I uninstall the network card and try to reinstall, the computer cannot locate the drivers.
I've just recently been seeing this issue, and can't help but think that it's some new problem related to updates these customers are installing.