I can access my email and my bank account and for a short period after I reboot I can access the Web. But after awhile, I can't get on the web and I get the following message consistently on IE7, Firebox and Chrome browsers.
"Windows Network Diagnostics
www.microsfot.com is not set up to establish a connection on port ”World Wide Web service (HTTP)” with this computer.
Windows found a problem that cannot be repaired automatically. Contact your Internet service provided or network administrator for help."
As soon as I reboot I can acces the web again.
I am connected to the internet via a router and wireless interface and have AVG antivirus and Zone Alarm firewall running although I have tried exiting both with no obvious change.
i had a problem like this also (would take forever to get the internet) thought it was my OS but it turned out to be a gadget my daughter installed on the sidebar was messing everything up. you can also try unchecking IPV6 in the network card properties, some older routers don't like it.
Thanks for the great tip. I unchecked IPV6 in the network card properties and walla my system has been up all day wtih continual web access. I looked at that item earlier and thought that couldn't be it because I havene't ever changed anything in that area. Apparently somthing else has caused this weakness to show up perhaps one of Microsofts patches.