IE 8 tool-bar question?


I deleted the two web-slice icons (the ones with the drop-down at the side) that came as default on the IE 8 tool-bar as I thought they may take up too much space as I add bookmarks. Is there a simple way to restore them? :confused:

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    Maxdata Belnea 3
I dont know about just doing the single thing but have you tried opening your 'Internet Options' then going to the "Advanced" tab and clicking on the 'Reset' button at the bottom? You will have to go back and change back any settings that arn't default, as well.

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I think that looks a bit drastic. I have set up the bookmarking toolbar as I like it now. It seems strange that they were so easy to delete. I didn't use them anyway, I was just curios as to what they did.

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    Maxdata Belnea 3 is drastic, maybe someone else who actually knows the inners of Vista can help, but thats a last resort if no one else answers,...i guess.

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    Athlon x2 5200+ 2.6 GHz
    MSI K9A Platinum
    8 GB PC8000
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    SAPPHIRE Radaeon 1950x Pro 512 MB
    Sound Card
Yeah, thanks anyway. I will keep it in mind if I decide to take it back to default settings. I assume it will keep my nomal bookmarks/favourites but waste the bookmarks on the toolbar if I do that. :)

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Maxdata Belnea 3