For several months now I have not been able to access "" on my Vista laptop or XP laptop. I don't have the firewall turned on.
In a last ditch effort I contacted my ISP to see if they were blocking the site. They cannot access the site either.
I contacted the webmaster at and got the following response.
No, does not block any ISPs.
We are currently hosted in the Amazon cloud so there is high availability.
It is possible that your work network or home network is blocking access.
I have looked everywhere I can think of to see if the network is blocking the site and can't figure out what is wrong.
We have qwest dsl with a local ISP. My husbands aunt has qwest DSL with MSN as ISP and can view the site. As can my mother in law that has mediacom for her ISP.
Can anyone help me figure out why I cannont access this one site?
You're welcome, glad to hear you've been able to sort it out.
There's always someone here to help if you do find yourself in trouble so don't hesitate to come back
In order to confirm that you have a problem with the DNS servers provided by your ISP you could try resetting from OpenDNS and entering into the address bar of your browser, (that is the actual address of the site as of five minutes ago ),
If this works then the problem is definitely with your ISP DNS server