Hey guys , I am trying to collate data from various sources in finding steps to establish PPPoe connectivity with your ISP after you reinstall the Operating System on the computer. I have not got much help from the internet. Since i am working with a software technical support I get a lot of calls from users where we need to run reinstallation and then pass them on to their respective ISP helpdesks. I would like to jot down all the possible ISP names and how to set up PPPoe conenction after you reinstall your OS. I have started the venture and have updated data on my website : ADSL Modem Set Up Guide « Windows Vista - Shaun’z Blog
Please help me to expand the knowledgebase by providing data about setting up PPPoe conenction with popular ISps like BT , Talk Talk , Tiscali , Orange etc.
Have a little patience, perhaps the people who can help haven't seen your post yet, oh and mine doesn't use PPPoE it uses PPPoA which I believe is more common over here
Try checking DSLreports.com for more info, the only major US ISP that uses PPPoE I think is AT&T. Everyone else is going dynamic as its more reliable and less to go wrong when trying to connect.