Quite often I get the following popup window: "Operation aborted"
A white "X" on red circle with "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://www. etc............./ Operation aborted." Usually am able to click OK and the site remains with maybe an ad not fully loaded but today after clicking on OK, the site closed and went to:
Inernet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I tried many times...same result. As an experiment, I pasted the URL into "Chrome" and no problem.
System: Acer Aspire Desktop less than a year old, Vista OS,
Any advice?
A white "X" on red circle with "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://www. etc............./ Operation aborted." Usually am able to click OK and the site remains with maybe an ad not fully loaded but today after clicking on OK, the site closed and went to:
Inernet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I tried many times...same result. As an experiment, I pasted the URL into "Chrome" and no problem.
System: Acer Aspire Desktop less than a year old, Vista OS,
Any advice?