Ok, Im sure you have all read posts about this problem.
Basically im quite upset and angry at the fact i just bought a beautiful new machine, thinking ill be able to finally game propelly, to only find that..
I get these 2-5seconds where my gaming ( World of Warcraft ) freezes completely.
Basically from what i've read its something to do with Vistas wireless that searches for a new and better connection every 60seconds.
My computer is NOT connected to the router, it has a 3/5 signal strength and my ping is OK. Its just these lag spikes that are killing me.
I've tried VISTA Anti-LAg and the WLAN optimizer. Nothing works at all.
Anyone have ANY other suggestions as to what i can do to get rid of these 2-5second lag spike/freezes with my gaming?
Im running VISTA Premium x64bit...
All help would be fantastic..
Thank you
Basically im quite upset and angry at the fact i just bought a beautiful new machine, thinking ill be able to finally game propelly, to only find that..
I get these 2-5seconds where my gaming ( World of Warcraft ) freezes completely.
Basically from what i've read its something to do with Vistas wireless that searches for a new and better connection every 60seconds.
My computer is NOT connected to the router, it has a 3/5 signal strength and my ping is OK. Its just these lag spikes that are killing me.
I've tried VISTA Anti-LAg and the WLAN optimizer. Nothing works at all.
Anyone have ANY other suggestions as to what i can do to get rid of these 2-5second lag spike/freezes with my gaming?
Im running VISTA Premium x64bit...
All help would be fantastic..
Thank you