network adress port translation problams


New Member
i"m traying to connect an avaya (name of a software) server and get voip connection on ssl vpn connection in cables ( i'm connected mpls) when i'm not connected to work the softwere is traying to coonect, whene i'm connected 2 work the softwere is giving me the error listed in the attechment and i dont know what to do please try to help me i'm in dispere becuse that error
ran hachmon


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My Computer

Hi ranh25,

This error is stating that you cannnot run this software where NAT is enabled (Network Addreess Translation) how are you connected to the internet is it through a router. if so is the router using NAT to connect you to the internet. if thats so you need to turn off nat. you need to have some proxy. you can also try this on your local area connection remove the defult gateway and try.

Hope this helps

Cheers !!

My Computer
