PSTN is not working It supposto work with the reg telephone Caller ID Call Display Etc and it doesn't.
the tech support guy from there routers told me to direct the ip address to a diffrent ip;
wrong I said all that did was block me from useing my router what a waist of time.
the Firmware SpeedTouch provided on There NL site won't upgrade the routers firm ware like it's supposto to do
I tryed the Canadian and USA sites the same thing redirected back to the NL site
I did everything from Dissaibling the firewall when setting up shutting it down like the software upgrade say's to do and come up with wrong software not compatible then why would The SpeedTouch NL web site TechSupport give of wrong information to screw us up.
the e-mail I had he gave me the wrong information partaining to the Set Up for the PTSN I called Our Local Phone compony that provides us our service they said was that guy nuts was he trying to permanily flash you're router so you wheren't aible to use it.
the tech support guy from there routers told me to direct the ip address to a diffrent ip;
wrong I said all that did was block me from useing my router what a waist of time.
the Firmware SpeedTouch provided on There NL site won't upgrade the routers firm ware like it's supposto to do
I tryed the Canadian and USA sites the same thing redirected back to the NL site
I did everything from Dissaibling the firewall when setting up shutting it down like the software upgrade say's to do and come up with wrong software not compatible then why would The SpeedTouch NL web site TechSupport give of wrong information to screw us up.
the e-mail I had he gave me the wrong information partaining to the Set Up for the PTSN I called Our Local Phone compony that provides us our service they said was that guy nuts was he trying to permanily flash you're router so you wheren't aible to use it.