internet connection haring

ok, the two basic options are:

1st (the best option):
if you have a router with more than one ethernet port on then its simple, just plug both the laptop and pc into the eathernet on the router.

if you have a modem/router with only one port or USB modem them you will need whats called a cross over cable for this to work, basicly the diffrence with a cross over cable and a standard cat5 (ethernet) cable is that the cross over is made to transfere data from one machine to another and vice versa at the same time. then plug the cross over cable into both machines, on the machine connected to the modem/router, goto network connections (on vista this is found in network and connection sharing on the left, titled managed network connections, on xp or earlyer its found in control panel > network connections) hightlight both network connections (one being your modem/router the other linked to your computer) then click bridge connections.

that should be it.

hope this helps.

My Computer

ok, the two basic options are:

1st (the best option):
if you have a router with more than one ethernet port on then its simple, just plug both the laptop and pc into the eathernet on the router.

if you have a modem/router with only one port or USB modem them you will need whats called a cross over cable for this to work, basicly the diffrence with a cross over cable and a standard cat5 (ethernet) cable is that the cross over is made to transfere data from one machine to another and vice versa at the same time. then plug the cross over cable into both machines, on the machine connected to the modem/router, goto network connections (on vista this is found in network and connection sharing on the left, titled managed network connections, on xp or earlyer its found in control panel > network connections) hightlight both network connections (one being your modem/router the other linked to your computer) then click bridge connections.

that should be it.

hope this helps.
philly i was actually tryng to connect my internet video phone to my laptop via ethernet cable so i can be mobile. i was told i did not need a router but my friend that was doing this is using xp and i have you know if this is possible

My Computer
