OK... Can anyone please help me. I have a new HP with Vista.. internet used to work fine when was a Wired connection. I recently moved to a condo. I have the internet downstairs. I'm using a Netgear Wireless Router and my HP is upstairs. so I went and got a Wirless card and set it up and everything worked.. I got the internet and it worked fine. After Automatic updates (Cuz comp was off for about a month) It updated and restarted. after the restart it prompted another restart.. witch was odd but i did it. after the Restart my computer crashed.. windows Fixed itself on it's own and was back up in no time.. NOW my internet DOESN'T work.. I can connect to the internet with my wireless card. the card and router work Fine. my card finds 6 networks in my area. I can see mine and I connect to my Secured Connection and it identifies and Connects. It's says I'm connected but with Limited access.. No matter what I do It has Limited Connection. I've tried everything I kno of. I even went through 2 hours of a painful waste of time with Netgear's Tech support. Here is what confuses me. I can connect to the internet. I can use it also. I can use MY internet with my wireless card and connect and play my online games using STEAM. I CAN connect and Download on LimeWire, I CAN connect and use ITunes.. but thats IT. I cannot browse the Net. Internet Explorer and Firefox both do not work. My computer continues to say LIMITED connectivity. everything works but I cannot use the internet.. Why is it Limited and why can I do everything but browse??? If anyone can please help me let me kno. Should I put the Vista Disk that came with my system in and do a Windows Repair.?? the person from Netgear said it's something wrong with IE or my computer cuz in her tests in MS-Dos i could connect to yahoo.com and get replies.. I'm LOST and completely STUCK.. please help!!!
Thx for the Idea.. Sorry about typing so much all in one.
I tried ur suggestion of netsh winsock reset
I also tried netsh int ip reset reset.txt
also tried netsh firewall reset
I got those last 2 idea's from another forum and it also suggested ur idea. I tried yours first.. it didn't work. then tried the other ones. then them all at once. Nothing worked.. I still show LIMITED connectivity.
I can still connect to Limewire, Steam, And ITunes and do stuff but no internet browsing and still seein the devil sign thats LIMITED... lol any other suggestions from anyone I am completely OPEN to idea's. thx anyways Richard. I appreciate it. let me kno if you have other Idea's..
lol... well... the Entire Devil thing.. that was me beein sarcastic and Negative about the fact that no matter what I do I still have ONLY limited connectivity. when I said I'm still seeing the devil saying limited i was joking about the fact it's driving me nuts..
thx for ur thought but there's no devil. my internet just shows Limited connectivity and no matter what i do it stays that way. I can do everything but browse the net... anyways have any suggestions please let me kno cuz I'm stuck..
Hey Chris, after doing a little e-reading it seems as though the problem lies within the router. I cannot access the router in anyway shape or form. Also, the 360 uses it's own MAC address and the PC does to, you probably know this. I think there is confusion after I did the repair/install of Vista. I don't know if a clean install will fix this. Aren't MAC's burned into ROM? Check this article I found Xbox 360: You cannot connect an Xbox 360 console to more than one Media Center PC
thanks again....I am going to hold off on the clean install right now...
Jnaarnold.. this is my post.. you ask someone thats trying to help me ur own question.. I was exited cuz i thought i got that many replies.. please make ur own post somewhere..
and to Chris. I've tried completely reinstalling the driver for the Wireless PCI card. I guess I could reinstall the Router also. Haven't tried that. what do you mean update something on my Mboard. I kno a decent ammount but not Tons. so i might need a lil more info on the motherboard area if you don't mind... thx again. I appreciate it...!
Yer, sorry for that. Get a little carried away sometime, LOL.
Firstly I need to find out what antivirus software you are using. See, Kaspersky has a tendency to mess with the internet secure settings which causes this type of behaviour.
Secondly, tell me the exact model of the netgear router so we can find the most up to date firmware.
Thirdly, what the exact model of the wireless card? See if you have the most up to date drivers from their website.
Another thing which you may want to try first...Ive just found this soz..
OOOh...so come on then..what was it? As you now know, the simple ones are the easiest to overlook. With what I had to work on, it could have been anything to be honest!
no hard feeling Jnaarnold. was just saying.. not tryin to be mean.
ok chris.. here's the spill.. ur right on there.. I've been using the 3 month trial for Kaspersky becuase i just got a new computer a few months ago and I didn't like norton popping up and symantec going every 5 minutes.. kaspersky worked fine for 2 months when i had hardwired internet. now I've moved and hooked up wireless it actually worked at first. I put my card in, installed.. and i had internet. right away Kaspersky didn't work cuz the trial was over.. so I've done nothing with Kasper.. net worked fine for the entire first day. then the second day I did WINDOWS automatic updates. cuz comp had been off for a month.. so It downloaded all of them.. prompted for restart.. so I did.. after the restart it asked me again to restart.. witch was odd.. so i did. and it never turned back on. it sort of crashed.. windows came up and said it had a error and was repairing. that didn't work so it gave me the option to restart at the last working state.. so i did and it turned on fine.. the updates that it undid to get back to a working state were just some Optional updates.. not recommended.. so i got rid of those.. and from then on my comp is fine.. but I'm LIMITED.. kaspersky could be it.. but since I've turned my comp on Kasper hasn't worked cuz the trial is expired so i really don't kno what to think. I do have a few years old Netgear Wireless card I could try to install really fast. but I doubt that will help. I should probably not mix but I have netgear router and using a ghetto generic card.. called Airlink.
NETGEAR rangemax wireless router model WPN824 G with MIMO
Wireless card is Airlink and it's also a G MIMO XR (xtra range)
I will try the old netgear card after i post this and see if that does anything. I doubt it tho. so ok chris. thats the story.. sorry it was soo long. tell me what you think of that little story. maybe I was hacked with a whack update. I don't kno. hopefully you can help me tho. if you need any further imformation just ask. thx again..
Chris. ok Here's the new deal. My internet works.. Fully. as in my internet has worked all this time. I have been able to connect to steam for online gaming. I can connect to LimeWire, I can connect to ITunes. but never could browse with IE or Mozilla..
You were right! KasperSky with Vista = PROBLEMS. when I had kasper at first my internet worked fine. but now that kasper trial version is over I haven't used it. when my computer boots up I just completely close kasper. but i guess it was still affecting something becuase today I completely uninstalled Kasper and I put on a old Antivirus I had on old computer. I added Trend Micro's
PC-cillin. so Immediately after i uninstalled KasperSky from my PC my internet worked fine. so right now I am using my own internet.. wow. I never figured something thats supposed to help and secure your computer would be bad and cause a problem like that. It still says that my Connection is Limited tho. but it does work. So I'm not to worried about it.. as long as it keeps working.
So thanks Chris, you have solved my problem with something soo simple. I will be Kindly Tipping ur Scales. Thanks anyways and if I have any other problems I will be sure to ask.. thx again.