New Member
I am new to this formum so I hope I am at the right place. I have vista business intalled on a Vaio notebook. I just got a HTC Touch PDA which is running windows Mobile 6.1. I installed the windows mobile device center but that application does not think it is connected to my Touch. However, when I connect the Touch via a USB cable, there is a connecction. I can see that the driver is installed correctly. I also get a message asking me for my credentials on both the Touch and on the Viao. I have talked to Sony which was not helpful (can't talk to Microsoft since I got the software via an OEM). I talked to Sprint which could not help (I got the touch from them). I have spent hours on this. I can connect the Touch to an XP computer using ActiveSync and everything works fine but I really want to use my Vaio since I travel a lot. The touch is also connected to my exchange serve and that part is working fine. I wan to use the Mobile Device Center to sync music and photos etc. Any ideas?