I really think that the card is just in the wrong mode (resolution) to display properly on the TV. Now that I am home, I will take a look and see if I can suggest some changes for you to try (sorry, it means borrowing the monitor again I'm afraid).
When you borrow the monitor, please ask to borrow the video cable as well so that you can hook up both the TV and the monitor. If I remember correctly, you were able to see the video display on the monitor, but not the TV. This is why I think if we change some settings under the Nvidia Control Panel, we should be able to get it working.
Okay, start up Windows with both the monitor and the TV attached. Open the Nvidia Control Panel (right click on the desktop anywhere in open space and select Nvidia Control Panel).
Along the top tool bar, make sure that you select advanced settings.
Under the Select a Task... (left hand side) select set up multiple displays.
If all goes well, it will show both the monitor and the TV
NOTE: Please make sure your TV is powered up BEFORE trying to detect it.
(My system does not know the TV exists if it is not powered up)
Also, make sure that whatever connection you are using on the TV is the current selection
If it DOES show both, please skip the next section...
If it does not show up, please verify power is on, cable is hooked up, the input you are using on the TV is selected (i.e. HDMI #2, DVI or VGA).
There should be a text line stating My Display is not shown...
(Under the Monitor Picture)
Click on this and a Detect Missing Display Dialog Box will pop up. Select Rigorous Display Detection and if all is set up correctly, your TV should be found. If it is not, select the force detection and reboot.
Okay...if all goes as planned, you SHOULD have the TV detected now (my fingers are crossed).
Now I want you to select Adjust Desktop Size and Position. Select the TV under section 1, then, under section 2, Press the CHANGE TO NATIVE RESOLUTION button. If all goes as planned, this SHOULD adjust everything to the resolution that yout TV can display and there SHOULD be a copy of your desktop displayed on the TV.
Back to the Set up Multiple Display. It should list the Monitor as the Primary Display (it has the * symbol in the upper right hand corner of the display)
Click on the TV, then right click the mouse and select Make this the Windows primary display.
Okay...if all has gone well, you should now have the TV as your main display. You can go through the other adjustments offered (if necessary) but do one more thing before closing the Nvidia Control Panel...Select PROFILES from the top tool bar and save this profile (you will give it a name and a place to keep it). This way, if things go haywire, you can reload the profile and all SHOULD be good.
GOOD LUCK...and PLEASE...let me know if this helped or not...Hopefully, you are going to tell me everything worked...but if not, let me know and I'll go "back to the drawing board"
All My Best,