Hi. I've serched and serched on google for a reliable answer but like google all are very vague. With my efforts in finind out the problem I've found that after I updated my display driver my monitor went to Generic Non-PnP Monitor before crashing my pc then I was unable to restart. I then reformatted (I've always called it reboot but meh) so I'm at a fresh screen however still the resolution problem persists.
I understand that I need to change Generic Non-PnP Monitor to
Generic PnP Monitor but thats where I'm at a stand-still. Updating drivers dosn't seem to work. I'll post some SS soon but if anyone knows how to fix this or simply has an idea would be great.
Imageshack - device
Imageshack - cantchangew < cant change these or screen goes huge
I understand that I need to change Generic Non-PnP Monitor to
Generic PnP Monitor but thats where I'm at a stand-still. Updating drivers dosn't seem to work. I'll post some SS soon but if anyone knows how to fix this or simply has an idea would be great.
Imageshack - device
Imageshack - cantchangew < cant change these or screen goes huge