Hi folks.
I have just installed Vista x64 with a Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics card, and I am experiencing graphics corruption in, particularly in 3d apps.
I sometimes get white horizontal lines across the screen and sometimes white blocks. In some 3d apps portions of the environment flicker out... they seem to disappear and I can see what is behind whatever object has disappeared momentarily.
Using Catalyst I can see that the graphics card never breaks 40% GPU utilization and the temperature never exceeds 40 degrees C.
I also had a very low end Nvidia 7500LE using the generic windows driver which also had the white lines, but I never tested the 3d apps with it.
Currently, if using the 8.2 ATI drivers, all seems well until I launch a 3d app. I have a 500 watt power supply.
Any ideas? If other folks are using a 2600XT, can you tell me what driver version works for you?
I have just installed Vista x64 with a Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics card, and I am experiencing graphics corruption in, particularly in 3d apps.
I sometimes get white horizontal lines across the screen and sometimes white blocks. In some 3d apps portions of the environment flicker out... they seem to disappear and I can see what is behind whatever object has disappeared momentarily.
Using Catalyst I can see that the graphics card never breaks 40% GPU utilization and the temperature never exceeds 40 degrees C.
I also had a very low end Nvidia 7500LE using the generic windows driver which also had the white lines, but I never tested the 3d apps with it.
Currently, if using the 8.2 ATI drivers, all seems well until I launch a 3d app. I have a 500 watt power supply.
Any ideas? If other folks are using a 2600XT, can you tell me what driver version works for you?