I did get it up to 17,067 Today.
If you look at where my system rates with others it's not a bad score.
Where does your system rate as to others close to yours?
All I know is that it runs my Apps and Games very nice.
I'm not a diehard O/C Gammer, I just thought it was fun to tinker a little and I'm not too worried about how fast mine is compared to others.
Seeing where my system stands tells me it's running OK.
Resolution settings play a big role in 3D Mark06 scores so it might be you have yours set lower, mine are at 1920X1200 on a 24" Monitor.
One other thing, your CPU has 12MB cache and mine is only 8MB.
That plays a very important role in the CPU tests and can really boost your score allot. All the systems above mine right now have QX9650 O/C to like 3.8GHz so they get that 2k score advantage over mine.
The last Time I updated my video Card drivers I noticed SLI mode is in single GPU mode and when I switch to alternate or split rendering it tells me it's not a good setting.
I think nVidia's working out some Bugs with SLI right now so maybe the next Driver update will have this fixed and I can go back to true SLI because single GPU mode just uses the second Card as a slave for resorces, and that sucks!