Issues with ntune and X64..


New Member
Grettings folks!

I am having issues with ntune. I want to OC my GPU and I cannot. When I install ntune I loose the abilities to tweak the video settings. As a matter of fact it seems like the software gets screwy and nothing shows when the window opens. I have done several searches and I come empty handed. Can someone here help me?



My Computer

i've heard about problems with nTune for a while now, which is why i've steered clear of oc'ing my GPU.

first tho, what graphics card are you using? also, are your drivers up to date and do you have the current version of nTune installed? might not help, but ya never know.

i did a search too and here's what i came up with...

someone had a problem with nTune and said that Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64) helped, so if you don't already have this update, check it out:
Download details: Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64)

also check out RivaTuner, i've never used it, but it does seem to be the definitive alternative to nTune:

that's all i've really got.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Intel E2180 @ 3.0Ghz
    Gigabyte P35-DS3-L
    Patriot Extreme Performance 2GB 4-4-4-12
    Graphics card(s)
    EVGA 8800GT
    Hard Drives
    750 GB -Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD7500AAKS 1 TB - Western Digital MyBook
Thanks! I will try that at home tonight. I have an 8800GTS 640 MB. It can do 675 MHz under XP Pro. I have the latest and greatest from Nvidia (Official from their site, not betas).

My Computer

Ntune really sux for oc'ing the GPU(s)...I'm currently using Rivatuner on x64 and it works fine. Just make sure to check the "Start on Windows" selection if you want to oc continually....also set the fans for manual and 100%.

My Computer

Ntune really sux for oc'ing the GPU(s)...I'm currently using Rivatuner on x64 and it works fine. Just make sure to check the "Start on Windows" selection if you want to oc continually....also set the fans for manual and 100%.

yeah that definitely seems the right route to take, i was just reading on the nvidia forums about how much a handsome frog nTune was being with x64...

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Intel E2180 @ 3.0Ghz
    Gigabyte P35-DS3-L
    Patriot Extreme Performance 2GB 4-4-4-12
    Graphics card(s)
    EVGA 8800GT
    Hard Drives
    750 GB -Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD7500AAKS 1 TB - Western Digital MyBook
The C++ fixed the issue. I now have ntune and I am back to 675MHz / 1820 MHz... I am going to try RIVA later on...! I am happy now with FSX and DX10...

My Computer
