New Member
I'm trying to find out some information regarding the SubInAcl tool that is in the Windows Resource Kit and can be used to reset Registry Permissions in Windows XP and Vista 32.
The problem is that attempting to run this in Vista 64 causes serious problems.
I've been seeking an alternative solution which I can provide to end users which is simple quick and easy.
I found cacls and icacls and takeown, but they don't seem to work on registry acls.
Could someone please help me out?
What I optimally need is a cmd file which I can put in a zip file, provide to my end users, to run which I can test.
Thank you for your time.
Erik Brann
I'm trying to find out some information regarding the SubInAcl tool that is in the Windows Resource Kit and can be used to reset Registry Permissions in Windows XP and Vista 32.
The problem is that attempting to run this in Vista 64 causes serious problems.
I've been seeking an alternative solution which I can provide to end users which is simple quick and easy.
I found cacls and icacls and takeown, but they don't seem to work on registry acls.
Could someone please help me out?
What I optimally need is a cmd file which I can put in a zip file, provide to my end users, to run which I can test.
Thank you for your time.
Erik Brann