Vista has been my favorite OS for the past year or so, after I was breaking in a new hard drive, and installed Vista so I could then install a W7 upgrade. But I decided to fully update Vista just for fun, and rediscovered what a great OS it is. I never did the W7 upgrade (although I had it on the original drive, on the verge of failing). Then disaster struck: while installing Linux Zorin, I was careless and installed it to the Vista drive. It's now gone. I thought I had an image, but couldn't find it. So, I installed the image of W7 from the original drive. That's what I'm using now, until 2020, when I will probably permanently switch to Linux. There's little point in installing Vista again and doing all the updates and service packs, with it going the way of the dinosaurs in 2017. Although it would be fun, and if I get bored...you may see me back here!