Yesterday my keyboard was pukka but a strange thing developed overnight. If I hit the e tab on my keyboard (only in a Microsoft Word document) the letter comes out as a c and if I hold down the shift tab and press the e tab I get a garbled capital E. All other physical keyboard tabs work correctly when pressed/using Microsoft Word and all tabs work correctly (even the e tab) when not using Microsoft Word (eg. when in Notepad or typing online). I've successfully reinstalled Microsoft Word and the error continues. I've used the virtual keyboard installed on my pc and the e tab still comes out as a c. The physical keyboard I'm using seems fine as it works correctly when not in a Microsoft Word document. Is this unusual? Can it be fixed?
Thanks for any help!
Yesterday my keyboard was pukka but a strange thing developed overnight. If I hit the e tab on my keyboard (only in a Microsoft Word document) the letter comes out as a c and if I hold down the shift tab and press the e tab I get a garbled capital E. All other physical keyboard tabs work correctly when pressed/using Microsoft Word and all tabs work correctly (even the e tab) when not using Microsoft Word (eg. when in Notepad or typing online). I've successfully reinstalled Microsoft Word and the error continues. I've used the virtual keyboard installed on my pc and the e tab still comes out as a c. The physical keyboard I'm using seems fine as it works correctly when not in a Microsoft Word document. Is this unusual? Can it be fixed?
Thanks for any help!