Hello All –
I agree the upload process appears straightforward. One trouble I had with is the tabs you can select such as Library, Your Bucket, Recent Uploads, etc. I tried for several minutes to delete my uploaded images and could not find the correct tab – thinking that on all tabs which showed my image it could be deleted. It turns out only specific tabs will allow you to delete. And then when I deleted my image, and went back to that link, the image still appeared in Photbucket. Eventually, the image did delete. I’m thinking the image got deleted because I rebooted my computer and/or the site took some time to process my delete command.
Moreover, when you do upload an image, there are boxes to select as to which share link you want to use. Of course, unless you read the FAQ links, one does not know which box to choose, and even then it can be confusing. And then to complicate it more, your choice of share link boxes changes when you select another tab. So, unless you know in advance, you could be selecting the wrong box.
And, as I mentioned earlier, when the link is activated and appears at its destination the image is surrounded by ads, Photobucket text, etc. unless you pay a fee.
Now, in all fairness, the site was probably developed to perform many different tasks for those who need and know how to use them. For a beginner who only needs one basic file sharing command, it was a bit intimidating and time consuming to understand.